Friday, February 25, 2011

Playing in the Snow!

So, once everyone had eaten breakfast and dressed appropriately the kids and I headed out in the snow today. It isn't anything "new" to the kids anymore to play in the snow (it's the 2nd snowiest February in either history or 10 years...I don't remember)...but, it's really one of the first times I've gone out in the snow with them this year. I've made a few appearances, but really they've been out shoveling with daddy and I've been inside where it's warm.

We had a great time together, they certainly enjoy being out in the snow. We only shoveled a few minutes and then we ventured to the back yard. Here's what we learned there:

*Pregnant ladies should really avoid making snow angels,
if you are pregnant and decide to make a snow angel...
be sure no one over the age of 5 can see you...
it's not very pretty to try to get up
w/o destroying the angel you created!

*You can not find all the grass in the yard with a small garden shovel.
Lucy used the garden shovel to dig for treasure.
About 5 minutes later she screamed
she had found it and showed us the grass!
(she wanted to find the whole yard...but it proved to be too long and she got cold)

*Racing in the snow can be dangerous...if you're 2 that is!
Murray kept wanting to race me...and he kept falling down...
I found it entertaining

*Wearing gloves that are too big makes using a small shovel extremely difficult!
(This was another Murray lesson)
...he so bad wanted to shovel "like cici" but just couldn't do it!

Overall we had a great time outside and finished it off with the last of the hot chocolate and marshmallows...I think I'll be buying more...I'm not convinced the snow is finished yet this year!

Dressed for the Snow?

As Nick was leaving for work this morning, Murray asked if he could play in the snow.
He even got himself all ready!
(don't look at me, I'm on day 3 of no shower.)

He was very disappointed when I told him not yet!

Doesn't he look great?!?
On a side note...we told him we were taking pictures
of his boots...he doesn't like having his picture taken these days!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Friends. Friends are something we often take for granted. After living here for almost 4 years I feel like I'm really starting to know who my friends are in the area. It's a great thing to have...a girlfriend to call for a cup of coffee when you need a break. Another girlfriend for a go to play date where your kids will play and you can catch up over fries and a coke (it was at McDonald's).

I'm also super thankful for my far away friends. I don't know how I would make it through life without certain people being just a phone call away! I'm certain many days my children's and/or Nick's fate has been changed once a friend let me complain and I calmed down.

It's really nice to know I have friends. One thing I often talk about with my friends is the "mommy dorm" lately it's been updated to be a street we all live on. How wonderful to have your closest friends as neighbors. To let your kids run from yard to yard, to coordinate cooking dinners, carpool, running errands...all the day to day needs to do with a friend. I'm not discounting husbands...don't get me wrong, my husband is a great helper and I enjoy when we are able to do these thing together as well, but I also want him to feel free to work late if needed or spend time with his own friends and hobbies. There's also just something about the companionship of a girlfriend.

On this Thursday I am thankful for all of my friends out there...near and far. Thanks for all the joy you bring to my life!

Thankful Thursdays

Friends. Friends are something we often take for granted. After living here for almost 4 years I feel like I'm really starting to know who my friends are in the area. It's a great thing to have...a girlfriend to call for a cup of coffee when you need a break. Another girlfriend for a go to play date where your kids will play and you can catch up over fries and a coke (it was at McDonald's).

I'm also super thankful for my far away friends. I don't know how I would make it through life without certain people being just a phone call away! I'm certain many days my children's and/or Nick's fate has been changed once a friend let me complain and I calmed down.

It's really nice to know I have friends. One thing I often talk about with my friends is the "mommy dorm" lately it's been updated to be a street we all live on. How wonderful to have your closest friends as neighbors. To let your kids run from yard to yard, to coordinate cooking dinners, carpool, running errands...all the day to day needs to do with a friend. I'm not discounting husbands...don't get me wrong, my husband is a great helper and I enjoy when we are able to do these thing together as well, but I also want him to feel free to work late if needed or spend time with his own friends and hobbies. There's also just something about the companionship of a girlfriend.

On this Thursday I am thankful for all of my friends out there...near and far. Thanks for all the joy you bring to my life!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gender Revealed!

Thanks to everyone who made a guess! We're very excited for a new addition to the family...and especially excited we can begin discussing names...we think we have it down to 2 or 3 choices!

So...I'll tell you that....
We'll have 2 weddings to pay for in our future!

Our due date is still July 22nd, and things seem to
be going well for baby! She's happy in her home.

Thanks for guessing! We're all very excited, especially Lucy who was really hoping for a sister! Murray knew it was a girl all along, so he seemed underwhelmed!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can You Guess?!? since I know not everyone is an ultrasound tech...and we had a squirmy baby,
so getting a picture this time was not super easy.

Here's a few tips to look for:
The gender of the baby is to the far right of the picture,
directly to the left of the "Can You Guess?" caption

You are looking for 2 pubic bones creating an "equal sign" or
something that looks similar to a "turtle"

The equal sign is a girl
A turtle is a boy

Take your best Guess...I'll have a post going up at noon tomorrow (Tuesday)
to give the real results!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

OPEN WINDOWS!!!! Do I need to say more?!? I am so thankful for open windows today that I don't even care my heat has turned on a few times to keep the house warm! Our high today is 54...even if we don't make it that high...the windows are open and we're airing out the house!

I know it's just a tease...I do live in Michigan after all, and I'm certain we'll have snow at some point in April...but today, while Murray and his little friend are coughing...the windows are open to air out the house!

The bathrooms are clean! The kids have fresh, clean sheets on their beds! The laundry is folded (well, almost)...and I think I can convince my husband to vacuum tonight.

Today is a rejuvenating day! For someone who has felt sick since Thanksgiving (let me remind you all that was 3 months ago!), opening the windows is giving me a much brighter perspective. I know I'm not really sick with germs, but just to have fresh air in the house is AMAZING!!

Thank you Lord for this amazing gift of warm weather in if only it can repeat a few days in March...and then slowly become more consistent in April...we all just might survive until spring!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mickey Kisses Minnie

So today Murray brought me his Mickey Mouse ears from Disney World. Lucy had somehow managed to get both her Minnie Mouse ears and his Mickey ears down from the very top of the toy shelf in the playroom. I don't ask questions if they arrive safely at my feet.

Lucy had tired of wearing her ears and had walked away to find something else. Murray on the other hand had just discovered his and was extremely eager to be Mickey Mouse. I helped him get his ears on. "Look Momma, I Mickey Mouse."

"Will Mickey Mouse give me a kiss?" I asked...he was just so cute...I couldn't resist!


"What if I am Minnie Mouse?" I asked putting on Lucy's Minnie Mouse ears.

and that was all it took. I got a nice kiss from Mickey Mouse today...wearing the Minnie Mouse ears! Murray was absolutely delighted! "I kiss Minnie Mouse. I Mickey, you Minnie, I kiss Minnie Mouse!"

Oh to escape to a world of make believe. It was wonderful to be Minnie for a few minutes and get a kiss from Mickey!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Today I'm thankful for a few things. First, most bluntly...I'm thankful for not puking today (yet). I've had the feeling a few times, but have managed to let it pass...that's definitely something to be thankful for (sorry if it grosses you out!).

I'm also thankful that at 3 pm I was all finished packing for my trip to Chicago this weekend. With 4 kids around the house getting things organized is definitely a feat worth being thankful for! Hopefully I have everything I need to make Greta's Bridal Shower a success on Sunday!

Third, I'm most thankful for all the fluttering I've been feeling in my belly the last 2 days. It is certainly wonderful to feel that movement daily and when I'm not feeling well to have a fun reminder as to why my body is feeling the way it will. This too shall pass and I will have a sweet little baby to cuddle when it's done...or maybe I'll start feeling better and have to wait to hold my sweet bundle...I'd be happy with that as well!

Overall while I'm pretty tired and still have a long road trip alone with the kiddos...I'm thankful that today has gone smoothly and hoping to have an easy and uneventful trip in the car this evening!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

He's getting so big...check out the culinary skills!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Never a Dull Moment!

So, this afternoon I was picking up the kitchen. Carter was playing cars in the dining room, Lucy, Veronica and Murray were playing family upstairs. I could hear them talking and playing. So, I kept cleaning. Apparently, I should have checked on them in the 5 minutes they were upstairs.

Here's a quick synopsis of the scenario:

Lucy: "Mom, Murray has too much toothpaste on his toothbrush!"

I sigh and think, one day this boy will learn to NOT touch the toothpaste! "OK, I'm coming!" I yell upstairs and start walking upstairs figuring out how much mess there will be.

I see Murray race across the hall trying to escape into his room to hide with his tablespoon of pink toothpaste on his toothbrush and catch him just before he shuts the door.

To my surprise his face is black, his ears are black, his neck is black, his shirt has black streaks, and his hair is smelly, stiff, spiked and yes...BLACK!!

"Murray what did you get into?" I ask...all of a sudden it dawns on me..."Did you play in mommy's make up?!?"

Murray: "Yes, I play in mommy's make up!"

Murray was covered in mascara! I immediately started wiping it off before it dried and set on him...then I realized how much was in his hair and that he had found a bottle of extreme hairspray Lucy got as a flower girl and had sprayed that in his hair (kudos to him for knowing it went in his hair!).

So, into the bath Murray went. I do slightly regret not getting pictures of him painted black with mascara...but for effect...look closely at the pictures below...I had already cleaned his face, neck and ears...the black ring in my bathtub was from the mascara in his HAIR!!!

I think for the first time in over 6 years of marriage, Nick will be cleaning the bath tonight!

Never a dull moment folks!

Murray in the Morning

I've been wanting to post about Murray in the morning for awhile now...he's just so darn cute! We don't always find him amusing if he's up before 7 am, but usually we've been enjoying Murray's morning routine he's developed since Mommy has been staying in bed until someone wakes me up (and lately Daddy has been following suit as well).

In the morning we here feet hit the floor in Murray's room and his bedroom door creek open. Then a quick pause while I'm guessing he assesses the situation, where is everyone? Then it starts....the running feet down the hall and a pounding into our door to knock it open.

He pauses at my side of the bed and stares directly into my sleeping face...then giggles and smiles when I open my eyes and offer a hand to pull him up into our bed. He then snuggles between us and flies his lovie and/or water bottle around as though they are exploding airplanes/rockets or the like. Every 30-40 seconds he lays on my back and asks "It wake up time now mommy?" I usually have him wait a few minutes and then tell him...yep, it's wake up time now.

After it is wake up time he kisses Daddy which makes him wake up. Murray giggles at this hysterically and then he's off to the races!

The best way to describe the next 10 to 20 minutes is to imagine playing pull back the lever and then release the ball and it bounces all around! Murray jumps out of bed, hands Nick his pants "here your pants are daddy, let's go!" and then runs downstairs to help make breakfast!

Nick could fill in the details better for the morning routine downstairs....but from upstairs I hear lots of running, jumping and reiterating whatever his breakfast choice for the morning is! "I want a bagel not hot with sugar on it, don't forget sugar daddy!" (this is cinnamon sugar...for all of you questioning what we feed our children).

It's quite an entertaining morning and certainly proof that he takes after his namesake (I can not imagine anyone being more of a morning person than my dad)...and I know someday he'll be a teenager and we'll have to pry him out of bed in the morning...but for now we'll enjoy his energetic start to the day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful for friends who share their talents. On Tuesday morning I was putting laundry away and listening for kids playing in the next room. I turned my head the wrong way to quickly and had shooting pain in my neck and shoulder. Combine this with the already uncomfortable pregnant lady syndrome and I was not a happy camper.

Good thing I had already started the process to get a referral to see the chiropractor...except that when I called my doctor the paperwork had not been put through...ugh! I seriously thought I wouldn't be able to move ever again (slightly dramatic...but it's how I felt)!

Enter Blizzard 2011. We didn't get hit very hard, but we did get a day off, so Nick was home all day and I was able to take it easy on Wednesday.

Enter amazing friend from church who is a trained massage therapist. Ahh, movement in my neck. She was quite impressed with the size and number of knots in my neck and worked extra time to make sure I would be comfortable today. Yay!

To make everything even better, the rush on my referral came through so I'm headed to the chiropractor! Woohoo! This may all seem mundane to you...but I am so excited to be able to move around's no good when the mom can't turn quickly to see what mischief is happening!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Clean Closet!

If you've stayed at our house anytime in the last 6 months or so you may or may not have noticed the disaster that our guest bedroom closet has become. It's sort of a "catch all" for everything, games, kids toys, the vacuum, crafting supplies, books, old computers and name was probably in the closet.

Well, recently the kids have wanted to go in there to get their own toys, resulting in the toys around the one they want tumbling down to the ground and being left there. We've put a craft drawer for Lucy in one of the dressers so that needed to be accessible and basically I just became sick of opening the door to a giant mess!

Solution: Mrs. Erdt took the kids to her house for the day and Nick and I cleaned! We emptied every single item out of the closet and either found a new home for it, disposed of it, or donated it. What a great feeling! We stopped midday to get Lucy and take her to preschool and had a little lunch date ourselves.

After lunch we were to the point of putting things back in the closet. I can not believe the difference it has made! We have empty shelves on the bookcase and the walls of the closet don't seem to be falling in on us! We put "grown up" games on the high closet shelves and made different games accessible to the kids...with a strict warning of only 1 game comes out at a time!!!!

We also unstacked the dressers and are planning on making a little computer desk in there for the kids...out of the way and it will need to be turned on by a grown up, so hopefully they won't ask for it all the time!

The best part about this cleaning experience, besides the end result of the clean closet is the realization of reaching the next chapter in our lives. This was the start of preparing the house not only for a new baby, but also for our adventure in homeschooling. We made the baby clothes easy to get at once we know the gender, and we made sure we left high up shelves empty to fill with kindergarten books and curriculum when we order it this spring.

The kids love that they can find and easily get their games and puzzles and we've been busy playing with them this all we need to do are the kids' closets and the basement...I think we'll wait a bit for that though!