Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

OPEN WINDOWS!!!! Do I need to say more?!? I am so thankful for open windows today that I don't even care my heat has turned on a few times to keep the house warm! Our high today is 54...even if we don't make it that high...the windows are open and we're airing out the house!

I know it's just a tease...I do live in Michigan after all, and I'm certain we'll have snow at some point in April...but today, while Murray and his little friend are coughing...the windows are open to air out the house!

The bathrooms are clean! The kids have fresh, clean sheets on their beds! The laundry is folded (well, almost)...and I think I can convince my husband to vacuum tonight.

Today is a rejuvenating day! For someone who has felt sick since Thanksgiving (let me remind you all that was 3 months ago!), opening the windows is giving me a much brighter perspective. I know I'm not really sick with germs, but just to have fresh air in the house is AMAZING!!

Thank you Lord for this amazing gift of warm weather in if only it can repeat a few days in March...and then slowly become more consistent in April...we all just might survive until spring!

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