Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wiley-2 months old

I know I'm going to say this every month, but where had the time gone?!? It seems like just yesterday you were born, just yesterday I was snuggling you in a hospital room in awe that you were in the world.

Wiley, you're 2 months old.

You smile, you coo and you melt my heart each and every morning. You're a great sleeper, maybe even better than your brother was at this point and while I am loving the sleep that I get, it means that my quiet nighttime snuggles are becoming less often already.

You're getting BIG! We went to the doctor and you're in the 91st percentile for weight, weighing in at 13 lbs 12 oz (with your super cute cloth diaper on) and you're in the 53rd percentile for height measuring in at 23 inches.

You're starting to focus more on objects and faces. You like to make eye contact and then give a big smile. It's the BEST way to start the day. Your eyes are still blue and can light up a room.

Lucy, Murray and Ginny still love you to pieces. They like to read books to you and lay near you on the floor. You've starting kicking your legs a lot and moving your arms around. Lucy likes to lay near you and have you "kick" her to play. Murray likes to laugh with you and he certainly finds way to amuse himself when you're around...he just thinks your faces and movements are funny...especially when you stick out your tongue. Oh and Ginny. She just loves you to pieces. She has learned from your big brother though and likes to yell "boo" at you...but for some reason she doesn't scare you...I think this is a good thing.
You've started taking medicine to help your spitting up this month and it seems to work...most of the time, but you have had some epic spit ups. Often it makes it to your toes and beyond. Once this month you almost got daddy and mommy just laughed and laughed at daddy jumping back from your projectile spit up. You make mommy laugh lots, especially when you get me with your love (that's what I call your spit up).

We saw the urologist this month again. We're working on figuring out your kidneys little man. (I'll write more on that when I get my mind around it). Something isn't quite right, but it isn't holding you back. You're a strong little man Wiley and I'm thankful for that.

You're easy going. This month we traveled to Chicago, then to Wisconsin for a night, back to Chicago and home again. Just 2 weeks later we went back to Chicago for a few days. You are a great little traveler and not too fussy in the car. Whenever you do cry Ginny says "Uh-oh mommy, baby Wiley crying." She is very concerned that we stop and take care of you right away. 

You're a great little guy Wiley. We're so thankful for you each and every day. You bring so much joy to our family. We love being a family of 6, love that we're a "big" family now...and we couldn't be that without you. You make us better, you make us smile and laugh, you've made us grow in the time you've been here. We love you...and if you can, just hang on a little longer to staying itty bitty...don't rush it Wiley...we can't go back to this time ever again!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

I'm sitting on the floor of the dining room nursing Wiley and watching Ginny sit on her potty seat eating a graham cracker. Yes, the potty seat is in the dining room and yes, she is eating while sitting on it...I know, I know. Lucy and Murray are busy at the table making books and projects with glitter, markers, scissors and anything else messy they can find.
We were up late last night, and had short naps this afternoon...I am SO incredibly tired that my head hurts, when in that moment I am overcome with thankfulness.
I think to myself, "this is your life..." and then I think it again, and again. I never knew I could be so tired and have no sign of rest in sight, I never imagined I'd sit on a hard floor and feed my baby or watch my toddler potty train, or let my kids make such an explosion of a mess so close to dinner time...
But, then I think about it and I'm thankful. I'm feeding MY baby, milk is dribbling down his chin and it's food created from me to nourish his body. My big kids are creative, they're playing together and the brother/sister dynamic is at it's finest. My toddler IS potty training....it might only be because she didn't want a diaper and I was too tired to fight that fight, but she sits on the potty and SHE PEES!!!
What could be better?
I'm thankful for these 4 gifts given to me and being able to watch them grow. I'm thankful for the lessons I've learned that have brought me to a moment to know that perfection is not needed, that life can be messy and strange, and that's ok. I'm thankful to share these everyday moments with the people I love more than I ever thought possible. I'm thankful Wiley doesn't care where I feed him as long as he eats...and I'm thankful that Ginny didn't pee on the floor.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Belts Ice Cream in Wisconsin

Ginny with Granny Lu
July 2013

Who doesn't love ice cream or that adorable smile?
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Tired of tired comments...

I was grocery shopping this morning when I ran into a parishioner, she made a comment that I only had half my kids with me and how cute they were (I had Ginny and Wiley with me at the time) and then said, "You look tired, are you tired?"
I'm not sure what I said in response, I think I mentioned we had been in Chicago this weekend and maybe I was still tired from the drive. Then the conversation politely ended and I continued on to pick out my deli items.
(I enjoy this parishioner, she is always kind and conversational, and she is not the only person to make comments about me looking tired...so if by chance she reads this...know this is not about this conversation...it's just the conversation that inspired the blog.)
I couldn't help but think about this. Quite a few people have told me in the past few months that I look tired. A lot of times it's on days I haven't showered, or just put on a light amount of make-up before leaving the house. I've decided...that telling a new mom they look tired is basically calling someone ugly, or saying they did a poor job with their make-up today.
Am I tired? Absolutely. Would I deny it? Not one bit. But stop and think about why I am tired. I am tired because I haven't slept for 8 hours straight in well over 2 years. With the exception of possibly a few lucky times while pregnant. I get up in the morning to the demands of my job beginning immediately and I'm occupied for more than 12 hours straight.
Would I change a moment of this? Absolutely not! I wake at night to care for my baby. A baby that is a gift from God. A baby that I do not for one second take for granted. I wake at night to feed a healthy growing baby and I know women who would give anything to be doing the same thing.
I'm busy during the day caring for children who are curious, adventurous, energetic and healthy!! I asked for this. I want a large(r) family and the demands that come with it.
Am I tired? Yes! Will this pass? Absolutely! One day they will sleep through the night and I'll be the one shaking them awake in the morning...and when that happens I will miss the midnight snuggles, the kisses in the morning light as they wake me.
So, unless you're offering to take my children to the park while I take a nap...don't tell me I look tired...I know I'm tired and saying I look it really just means I need more make up...or a shower...and I think I'd rather you just tell me I smell (which could be a while different blog these days!)
And here's a cute picture of my 4 little blessings!
The top is Lucy and Murray in October of 2008 celebrating Reformation day and the bottom is Ginny and Wiley taken today for the start of the Synodical convention.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

I'm really trying to get back into the blog writing regularly thing...and what better way than with bringing Thankful Thursdays back. It's always good to stop what you're doing in your crazy, busy, wonderful life and find something to articulate you're thankful for.
So, here it goes:
I'm sure I've been thankful for this before, but I am SO incredibly thankful to be home with my kids. I may be exhausted at the end of the day, I may smell a little (or more than a little depending on how much Wiley spit up on me), and I may feel like I'm going crazy at different moments, but I LOVE my job. Every difficult moment of it!
There are so many other things I could be doing, but I choose to stay home. I am thankful I have a husband who supports me in my endeavor and makes sacrifices alongside me so I can stay home and not earn a paycheck.
I am also incredibly thankful when I'm able to share this with my friends' kids. Yes, I enjoy the extra money I may bring in with babysitting, but more than that, I am thankful to share a crazy, messy, fun day with other kids. It gives my kids friends to play with, it helps me to refocus our daily schedule AND it gives those other kids a chance to just be in a home and play, play and play some more. If you can't be in your own home all day, why not be in a friend's home and have the freedom to play and make creative messes every once in awhile as well.
So, while my floor may have looked like a page out of an "I Spy" book today, I'm thankful for it, because it was 2 year olds building towers, little boys playing superheroes and cars, and everyone just having fun! I'm thankful I got to share it with them...and thankful they napped when they were done!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Evangeline Kate -2 years old

Sweet Ginny Girl, how did you turn 2?!? I think I'm finally ready for you to be 1 and there you go turning 2 again. These years are going way too fast. I remember the night you were born, I remember the magic of your labor...what a sweet labor it was bonding your daddy and I together as he helped me through all my back pains. The joy of sharing it with one of the best friends I could have ever prayed for, thank you Lisa for sharing that magical day with us...for pushing end encouraging me to welcome Ginny into the world drug free!
Oh Ginny, Lisa found this song today and it makes me cry to think of you growing up. Happy tears of course, but sad too. I know I will never get these sweet moments back, never get the tantrums, the giggles and the love you have for only me and your daddy (and Lucy, Murray and Wiley). This song makes me think back to the night you were born, how alert you were! How I didn't stay awake feeding you or calming a fussy infant, but just snuggling you and staring into your alert little eyes!
Ginny you're 2! You're trying so hard to talk adding words to your repertoire everyday. You're active, climbing, running, jumping and wrestling with your big brother and sister. Things that take my breath away with fear as I watch you climb at the playground you do with what seems to be little effort. You're riding your scooter and push yourself along on your bike. Anything Lucy and Murray do, you want to try to.
You're becoming more and more independent, you express this with the world's greatest tantrums. You have opinions on where you sit at meals, what you wear, if you should have on a diaper and a myriad of other things.
You're such a joy to all of us Ginny. You test us with those tantrums, but the truth is you have your entire family wrapped around your finger. You love hugs, and kisses, books, and babies, cars, superheroes, legos and helping in the kitchen, or with the laundry.
You have such sweet relationships with Lucy, Murray and Wiley; each unique, but each so wonderful. It is obvious that you will have no shortage of friends as you grow up, because your siblings will always be by your side to cheer you on.
We love you Evangeline Kate, love your sweet laugh, those bright brown eyes and oh those dimples...they get me every time!
Today I will cuddle you a little longer and think back to the day you were born and how far you've come...but please oh please, just for today "don't ever grow up"!