Saturday, August 7, 2010

Might as Well Start Somewhere

I've been thinking about starting a blog for over a year now, and I figure I might as well start somewhere. So, this is where I'll start. I picked the name "Season of Soggy Cereal" because it's an expression I've used for the last 4 years of being a mom. I've noticed that anytime I pour myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast, no matter how long I wait to pour the milk on it as soon as I do something happens that needs immediate attention and I come back to a soggy bowl of cereal. Well, that's life and I enjoy being a mom and all the "emergencies" and excitement that call me away from what I'm presently doing. So, in 4 years I've learned to eat fast or get myself a breakfast that doesn't get soggy. (or just wait until naptime to eat...which does happen occasionally!).

It's a Saturday afternoon and the house is amazingly quiet except for the sounds of Lucy playing in her room (quietly). It's the first time all 4 of us have been home with nothing on the agenda for quite some time and man has it been quite a week! A few highlights of this week have been:
  • Nick had strep throat. My dear husband ended up with strep throat the week between a trip to New Orleans with 22 high schoolers and the start of Jr. High VBS with over 75 kids a day...this was his first time getting it that he can remember...and not a very fun experience for any of us!
  • Murray started potty training (again)! We decided that since just he and I would be home in the mornings it was a perfect opportunity to potty train. He's enjoyed it and been fairly successful...but at 25 months he's not quite ready to be independent we'll keep at it. (I'm sure I could do a whole post on the adventures of potty training...maybe I will!)
  • Lucy got the stomach flu for the first time! I know...what a week! I can't believe that Lucy threw up 3 times, but our little girl was a trooper and amazingly Nick was fast and effective at cleaning up bedding/floors while I tended to a sick girl.
  • I survived! Overall it was one of those weeks where you depend on God to keep you going and marvel at the small successes and laugh at the joy your children bring you. I was impressed at Nick's willingness to come home after a long day and give me an hour away so I could continue to serve our family happily and without resentment! What a blessing a good husband can be!

So, that's our past week in a bullet pointed synopsis...guess I'll write more later!

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