Lucy and Murray have been telling each other Knock Knock jokes lately. I've decided this is one of the best parts of having more than 1 kid. First of all, they're hilarious and it's so entertaining and heart warming to listen to them interact, second of all...I don't have to tirelessly say "who's there" and pretend to laugh at the end of the joke. It is honestly much funnier and much more amusing to listen to them tell jokes to each other and laugh than the jokes themselves. The jokes usually revolve around a banana, an orange, a donkey kick, or a doctor. I'm not quite sure how these favorites were chosen but they've stuck. Occasionally another item in sight or a strange mix of words will work their way in, but usually the joke goes something like this:
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Banana Who?
Banana Doctor....hilarious laughter ensues....
Or another favorite:
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Aren't you glad I didn't say orange?
I told them the banana joke..."orange you glad I didn't say banana?" and they thought it was funny...but obviously adapted it to a MUCH funnier version.
My favorite joke encounter was a few days ago as they told jokes back and forth. Murray usually repeats whatever joke Lucy just said, occasionally with a slight variation. Lucy has announced on more than one occasion that she is great at telling knock knock jokes and she is going to be a joke teller when she grows up. So, as they're telling jokes back and forth I hear Lucy say to Murray, "You're a great joke teller Murray. You're so funny, maybe even funnier than me." What a joy to hear my daughter compliment her brother that way!
So, if you come to visit anytime prepared to say "who's there"!
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