Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

I'm really trying to get back into the blog writing regularly thing...and what better way than with bringing Thankful Thursdays back. It's always good to stop what you're doing in your crazy, busy, wonderful life and find something to articulate you're thankful for.
So, here it goes:
I'm sure I've been thankful for this before, but I am SO incredibly thankful to be home with my kids. I may be exhausted at the end of the day, I may smell a little (or more than a little depending on how much Wiley spit up on me), and I may feel like I'm going crazy at different moments, but I LOVE my job. Every difficult moment of it!
There are so many other things I could be doing, but I choose to stay home. I am thankful I have a husband who supports me in my endeavor and makes sacrifices alongside me so I can stay home and not earn a paycheck.
I am also incredibly thankful when I'm able to share this with my friends' kids. Yes, I enjoy the extra money I may bring in with babysitting, but more than that, I am thankful to share a crazy, messy, fun day with other kids. It gives my kids friends to play with, it helps me to refocus our daily schedule AND it gives those other kids a chance to just be in a home and play, play and play some more. If you can't be in your own home all day, why not be in a friend's home and have the freedom to play and make creative messes every once in awhile as well.
So, while my floor may have looked like a page out of an "I Spy" book today, I'm thankful for it, because it was 2 year olds building towers, little boys playing superheroes and cars, and everyone just having fun! I'm thankful I got to share it with them...and thankful they napped when they were done!

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