Every year I am amazed at how much more of a "little man" he becomes. From the moment I laid eyes on him I was in love...and I saw that look in his eyes like he was a wise old man. Well, he's getting older, and wiser and he still gets that glint in his eyes. This boy is too smart, too fun and too lovable!
At the age of 4 Murray Man loves:
legos, cars, crashing, running, anything fast, anything strong, anything that makes noise, anything that shoots, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Tigers, imagining, dress ups, cooking, grilling, beer...especially an IPA, testing out independence, picking out his own clothes, computer games, lovie, eating, snacks, more eating, riding bikes, his scooter, races, games, helping, and his family.
He loves to play and argue with Lucy and to play with Ginny especially to make her laugh and to laugh with her. Murray is an amazing brother and son.
This past year Murray Man has grown immensely. He became a big brother, started preschool and has a whole new year of life experiences to take with him.
I can remember babysitting in high school and college and just dreaming about the little boy I would have one day. God certainly gave me an amazing one. I never really believed I could fall in love with a boy at first sight until I saw my Murray Man. He's everything I ever hoped for with the energy and adventure from his daddy and his love of snuggles and quiet moments with me. He certainly makes my life more joyful, more adventuresome, more intense, louder and full of love. He teaches me patience, understanding and how to enunciate my words. He makes me laugh, and makes me want to scream. He gives me hugs and reminds me to watch for the little things in life.
We're so glad we could share another birthday with you Murray!

At the age of 4 Murray Man loves:
legos, cars, crashing, running, anything fast, anything strong, anything that makes noise, anything that shoots, Green Bay Packers, Detroit Tigers, imagining, dress ups, cooking, grilling, beer...especially an IPA, testing out independence, picking out his own clothes, computer games, lovie, eating, snacks, more eating, riding bikes, his scooter, races, games, helping, and his family.
He loves to play and argue with Lucy and to play with Ginny especially to make her laugh and to laugh with her. Murray is an amazing brother and son.
This past year Murray Man has grown immensely. He became a big brother, started preschool and has a whole new year of life experiences to take with him.
I can remember babysitting in high school and college and just dreaming about the little boy I would have one day. God certainly gave me an amazing one. I never really believed I could fall in love with a boy at first sight until I saw my Murray Man. He's everything I ever hoped for with the energy and adventure from his daddy and his love of snuggles and quiet moments with me. He certainly makes my life more joyful, more adventuresome, more intense, louder and full of love. He teaches me patience, understanding and how to enunciate my words. He makes me laugh, and makes me want to scream. He gives me hugs and reminds me to watch for the little things in life.
We're so glad we could share another birthday with you Murray!

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