Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful for flour, salt, water, oil and Kool Aid. Strange things to be thankful for? Maybe, but not when combined they make over an hour of fun and entertainment for 4 kids! We made our own play dough today and what a marvelous time Lucy, Murray, Veronica and Carter had making it and then playing with it. We made Mickey Mouse, pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs, and just plain smashed, squashed and molded that dough for over an hour! Kool Aid play dough is my favorite no cook play dough ever!!

I also think I may have discovered how the driving range was invented...I know they're using hockey sticks and just being little boys...but this is where great ideas come from. Hilarious! I think they spent over half an hour hitting the balls down the steps and getting them then trying again! (that's a super long time when you're 2!)

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