This is about life as a mom. About our family, and the quirkyness of not only our family but my attempts to do things to maintain my sanity. It's a busy time of life which is why the cereal always gets soggy before I get a chance to sit down and eat it...I wouldn't trade a minute of it, and I'm hoping to record some of the insanity here or they won't believe me when they get older!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Awake at 5 AM
I thought...I'll get so much done! However, after eating a bowl of cereal I realized there's not much to do because I don't want anyone else to be awake yet. My in-laws are sleeping downstairs, my kids and my husband are sleeping I'm in the kitchen with 1 light on...goofing off on the computer.
So, for future reference, I now know...there's not much I can do at 5 AM without waking my family...or at least being afraid I'll wake my family. Soon it will be 6, and then I'll shower...but until then, I'm just hanging out! Oh yeah...enjoying the QUIET!
We're Pregnant!!!
This pregnancy is so joyful, I was thrilled when I saw a positive result. My first impulse: call Lisa and begin scheming how I will tell Nick. Yes, that's right folks, my husband was not the first to find out...but he wasn't the last either.
I love my husband and he is everything to me...but there's something about a girlfriend who is the other half of your brain. I could not possibly begin to process or truly accept I was pregnant until the other half of my brain I called Lisa.
These are the thoughts that go through the head of a experienced mom who knows what to expect...who knows what can go wrong. When you find out your pregnant, the baby is about the size of a poppy seed (or smaller)....and yet, immediately you want nothing more than to keep that child safe, to feel it grow, to meet him/her and to continue to protect and nurture him.
Yet, it's completely out of your hands. At this point, millions of things are happening each second with your baby. He's working on growing organs, working on making those adorable 10 fingers and 10 toes that you'll later stare at in amazement...kiss, tickle and eat. At this moment, you're trusting God has a plan, He will grow your baby strong, He will introduce you to your baby when His time is right.
The moment I saw that positive test...I prayed that this time would be His time...that this would all go right in my eyes. That this time, I will get to snuggle with my baby and bring him home to meet his big brother and big sister.
So, as I wake up each day feeling sick because something the size of a grape is growing every moment inside of me. As I worry about who will sleep where, how this will change my relationship with my husband, and how we will pay for college...I trust in HIM who gave this child to me and I remember:
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I've had weeks like this before. I know just a few weeks ago I wrote about looking at my priorities during a busy week and making time to enjoy my's harder when things aren't getting done because you just can't. Not because of time, but because you're just not up to it. This week, my body has decided that relaxation is much time up and about and I hit a wall, so to speak.
It's an interesting and humbling experience to rely on Nick for so many of the responsibilities I'm used to doing. I'm grateful for his patience and his willingness to help. I'm also grateful we haven't hit the full swing of Advent...while it was a busy week for him...he still had a little wiggle room.
I'm also blessed with 2 adorable little helpers who give me snuggles and help out...most of the time. Nothing like 2 rambunctious children to put the needs into perspective. Lots of books, coloring and singing have been going on this week...and lots of imaginative play.
I hope I'm feeling back to normal soon...but being humbled isn't a bad place to be.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I'm thankful that I am able to share my children with my parents and that they enjoy entertaining them while I catch up on my own relaxation. Lucy and Murray both enjoy the wonders of Grammy's sewing room and all the projects that happen there. Murray saw his first big screen movie and his favorite part (typical boy) was the preview for Cars 2 before the movie began. Although, I would say that he enjoyed the movie itself as well.
A visit to see Santa at the Library and a few shopping trips and brunch with Owie Owie and Tony No Hair also rounded out our holiday. Along with pin the hat on the turkey and of course Scrabble...which I must admit, I'm thankful that Olivia and I won :) Not very many years are the "moms" beat...I'm thankful I've done it!
I'm thankful I have so many wonderful people to share these special memories with, and I'm thankful my kids do to!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wordless Wednesdays
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wordless Wednesday: Traveling for Thanksgiving
Monday, November 22, 2010
Because They're Long Overdue

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Cakes and Counting
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Now, some of these accomplishments are much greater than others. Murray for example is a champ! We've been making this potty training push for a few weeks now...and while we've been successful, it's just been in the past few days that Murray has moved into the "independent" stage of it all. Getting up from the table and announcing "I have to go potty" and being successful.
This morning while I was at a 2 hour Bible study the nursery worker said he went potty 5 times!!! They were drinking lots of juice and water, but hey, that's quite a success! Friday morning the boys ran errands and he stayed dry throughout the 2 hours of errand running with only 1 potty break in the midst of it! Way to go Murray! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!
Lucy's accomplishment is just as entertaining...while maybe not quite as much of a milestone. She asked to play cards the other day and I told her I wasn't sure there was a card game she could play. (We have a "Go Fish" deck of I know she wouldn't go for that). I then remembered a Koschmann favorite: Kings Corner. So, last night we sat down after dinner and she was on daddy's team for the game (Murray was on mine, but he just counts and draws cards...and knocks on the table).
What fun we had! It was even more fun today to see her making decisions and pulling cards out of Nick's hands to play. She's really getting the basics and I'm sure if we keep playing soon she'll be able to be her own team.
What a joy my children and family are and what a great way for us to spend time together. I'm so proud of how they're growing and changing every day. Just wanted to give everyone an update on our successes...if you come visit get ready to drink some beer and play some cards!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
Wordless Wednesdays
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tomatoes or Potatoes
Murray likes to watch me while I work in the kitchen. Most of the time I don't mind unless it's him following me around so I can't take a step without walking on him. I was stationary and he was on a stool next to me...this is my favorite kind of help. We started talking about what I was doing. Washing the vegetables for dinner tonight, we want to get all the dirt off. "yes, dirt yucky" says Murray.
"What's that?" He asks. "That's a carrot." I reply. "That's no carrot, that's too big." Says Murray. So, I show him the baby carrots we eat for snack and explain "These are baby carrots, they're washed and cut before we buy them at the store. These are big carrots that grow in the ground. Mommy will wash and peel them and we'll it them for dinner." "I like carrots!" Was Murray's response.
And then we moved onto the potatoes: "What's that?" he asks. "That's a potato." I say. "I no like potatoes." says Murray. "Well, we don't like to eat them before they're cooked Murray, but you do like potatoes." "No, mommy like potatoes...I no like potatoes." insists Murray.
"Murray, mommy doesn't make potatoes very often. Daddy doesn't like potatoes, but I'm pretty sure Murray likes potatoes." I respond, beginning to think dinner is going to be a long battle. "I no like potatoes, mommy like potatoes, I pick potatoes for mommy." He says pointing to the window sill. There sits our last ripe tomato off the vine from the backyard.
"Oh," I say. "Yes, mommy likes tomatoes, Murray does not like tomatoes. But, these are P-P-P-potatoes...not T-T-T-tomatoes. Murray likes P-P-potatoes!" This continued for quite some time attempting to distinguish between potatoes and tomatoes. At dinner Murray gobbled up his potatoes but then had to ask again, "I like potatoes, but I no like tomatoes?" (both words sound the same coming from Murray...barely recognizable as different words. So with our foreheads pressed together giggling we once again revisited the difference between potatoes and tomatoes...but he ate the potatoes, so whatever he has to say about them, I'll take that!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I also think I may have discovered how the driving range was invented...I know they're using hockey sticks and just being little boys...but this is where great ideas come from. Hilarious! I think they spent over half an hour hitting the balls down the steps and getting them then trying again! (that's a super long time when you're 2!)
Coming Soon
There was lots of story telling and book reading by Pop Pop and also lots of car watching and playing ball with Murray. It was great to hear all the conversations and giggles that happened over the weekend between my parents and the kiddos.
Sunday was Halloween of course so after church, naps/football, and some pizza for dinner we headed out to Trick or Treat. Jarret joined us on this adventure and what an adventure this particular walk around the block was! This was the first year that Lucy really got into how much candy she could get, while keeping Murray from plopping down and eating the first piece he received was a challenge all on it's own. It took us just under an hour to go around the block and their buckets were full by the time we got home.
Monday we decided Lucy could skip preschool so we could all go to the Henry Ford Museum. My mom hadn't been before and we wanted to show her a favorite of the kids. What a fun and full day it was! We started on the opposite end than we usually do and explored some new places as well as visited our favorites: the combine, the Dymaxian (round) house, and the train.
We were sad to say goodbye to Grammy and Pop Pop, but thankful for the fun and busy weekend we could share with them! What an adventure to have people we love come to visit us!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I realized today that I never posted my "Thankful Thursday" last week. I had it written before lunch and after nap it quickly became null and void. I had been thankful for dry underwear on Murray...we had 3 accidents that afternoon. I am however thankful for the progress we have made. We're wearing underwear at home these days...and even though he's still having accidents they're becoming less frequent and more predictable as when/why they happened. He is a stereotypical boy who when engrossed in his favorite play activities just doesn't seem to want to stop playing...I'm still figuring out how to help him with this and remind him to sit on the potty frequently. We're getting there though and I am confident he'll be "potty trained" soon!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy Halloween From Lucy
She wanted to share a little poem with all her other favorite relatives/friends who live far away. She doesn't quite have her numbers down in it, 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th....but you'll get the idea.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! (Lucy style)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Great Pumpkin Festival
Murray loved this!
Another fun activity they had was visiting the
fire truck that was on hand, just in case.
Overall it was a fun family activity, and I love that they are raising money for a good cause. DTE, the energy company in the Detroit area donates $1 to a shelter for battered women for each pumpkin donated. This year they were aiming to have 1200 pumpkins donated; I didn't hear the final count.
Running on Friday
Thursday, October 21, 2010
They're Hiding Everywhere....
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fun with PlayDough
Around 8:30 when Nick left for work I sat down at the table with them and joined them for a combination of coloring, cutting and playdough. This turned into one of my favorite playdough activities...cutting! Murray is just beginning to show an interest in using scissors, he puts his fingers in the correct holes, but holds them in more of a horizontal they don't really cut paper, but, playdough they cut! He was so proud of himself! He sat there for about 15 minutes cutting playdough.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's the little things...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Aren't they cute...errr scary?!?!
Thankful Thursdays
So, in my exhaustion I am thankful that it's Thursday...and a gymnastics Thursday at that. It was nice to have an outing for the morning (one that we could go on since Nick used a different car for his travels and we still have one at home!). It's also nice to have the kids I watch in the house today occupying Lucy and Murray. While it's a little more work for me at times, it also provides a little more playtime for the kids without my involvement.
I am also thankful that Nick will be home tomorrow evening...this isn't a very long trip for him, and he won't have to do it very often. Most of his classes will be online. I'm excited for him to be given an opportunity to grow in this new way.
If you wait a few more hours...I'm sure I'll be thankful for bedtime! Happy Thursday!
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Party of the the Century
Murray and Chloe (Katy and Mark's youngest daughter) fell in love at the wedding. You may think I'm joking, but they spent the reception dancing and kissing. When Chloe wanted to twirl on her own she left Murray in tears on the dance floor only to be consoled by "Monkey Preschool Games" on Nick's ipod. I know there are pictures of them kissing on other people's cameras...and if I get a hold of one I'll post it so you can see the proof. It was quite entertaining!
Lucy was a dance machine. Watch out Tom and Greta...she is now practicing her dance moves for your reception...I'm pretty sure she'll dance all night if we let her. She was still dancing today! At one point one of Molly's college friends was mimicking her every dance move and she thought she was pretty cool to have someone dancing like her!
I know there were lots of fun things the kids said and did throughout the weekend, and overall they were super well behaved. We enjoyed sharing this special time with our friends and their families. It was great to get to see all the little ones interact and enjoy each other (Molly and Brian had 7 flower girls, all of their nieces). A few of our favorite quotes from the weekend were Lucy seriously inquiring "Why can't Mommy get naked on the dance floor?" As Nick explained she could get her PJ's on at the wedding, but I couldn't. She also as she was falling asleep in the hotel one night asked Nick why God gave us the words I'm sorry and I forgive you. What an inquisitive little girl. Murray spent the weekend talking away and amazes us at the sentences he forms; describing every detail of the world around him.
Along the drive we were able to see all the beautiful fall colors that MI has to offer and we were extremely thankful for the beautiful views God blesses us with. Lucy has decided she likes all the colors on the trees except green and wishes it could be fall all year long!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful for this verse today: "I have told you these things, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have oppression; but cheer up! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
A dear friend of ours lost her granddaughter this morning, a youth in our high school group lost her big sister. A tragedy, she was a young girl in her early twenties. They are doing an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death, but believe it is related to her awful disease of bulemia. What sadness my heart felt today alongside the joy of watching my own children. Sadness for a grandmother, grandfather, a father, two younger sisters, a mother, and aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. The only thing one can be thankful for in a moment like this is the peace and comfort that the knowledge that this is not it, this is not the end. She is no longer in pain, she no longer sees her body through the eyes of sin and sadness, but now sees herself in the true perfection she was created in. Created in God's image, and now she is able to see her true beauty with God. I pray for the loss her loved ones feel by a life cut short; so many things they will not be able to share with her as they continue on with their lives; but we rejoice that Christ has overcome the world! This is not it, there is more than the oppression of this world!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fall is here!
Before you give up on me for my pessimistic view on fall (I'm already longing for the first really hot day of summer next year) keep reading for a few sentences more and hear about all the fun fall things we've been doing. Yesterday I decided (while freezing and fighting the urge to turn on the heat) that we would celebrate fall. So, we took out our box of fall decorations (thanks mom for the jump start on those a few years ago) and decorated our house in fall fashion. Lucy is super excited for Halloween this year so it was a blast to dust and clean to place pumpkins, ghosts and goblins around our house. Don't worry...they're all the cute friendly kind. We did our fall light that is like a candle...made our family room smell delicious, and stuck our fall window clings on the windows. Lucy was very excited to welcome in a new season!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful that a week and a half ago as I was menu planning I just happened to think today would be a good day to make some chicken noodle soup. Murray and I have been fighting off a cold all week (and I think our noses are losing) but I am beginning to feel a bit better today and chicken noodle soup sounds and smells delicious. So, I'm hoping after not making it for months my non recipe works out well...I tried a few new things this time. Maybe come dinner time I'll be thankful we have money in the budget to order a pizza...but so far, it's smelling pretty good.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I Wake Up
Monday, September 27, 2010
Up on the House Top
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
What you may ask is keeping me so busy? Well, this week was the start of ballet class for Lucy (unexpectedly) as well as the start of my teaching of learning lab (on the same day)...a bit chaotic but quite enjoyable. I am also doing final preparations for the mom to mom sale at our church this weekend. So rewarding once it's in full swing (and even more so when it's over), but a bit stressful getting everything ready and turning away last minute moms who want a table. What a great fundraiser for our church though! We have our district president preaching at our church this weekend and Nick and I have the privilege of dining with him and his wife along with the Bush's on Saturday...and lastly, but probably the most important, on Sunday we will welcome little Mathias into God's family as his sponsors. I am so excited to share this special day with such a special little excited I volunteered to make the cake...which will be a creative outlet in the midst of this busy weekend.
I'm thankful that we're all healthy and that I am capable of managing a busy schedule...I'm thankful for a little burst of summer weather as we head into fall...lastly I am thankful for 2 sleeping children upstairs which means I should have happy children later this afternoon. Today is a very Thankful Thursday!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What Murray's Been Up To...
Murray Playing cars in the kitchen. A few weeks ago Nick made a giant road on
the cardboard from our new patio table.
Murray painting! He loved it. I can't remember the last time I let him paint.
Growing Up Too Fast
Crafty Lucy
Here are few activities from last week (It's been a little busy so I'm behind on blogging). She wanted something to do so I suggested making a paper chain. I did help cut the strips and showed her how to use the glue stick and hold the circles together while they stuck. But she went to town with it. She worked on it on and off for most of Thursday and the end product was quite impressive.
See, the chain ended up being taller than she was. I couldn't believe it! She keeps talking about adding to it, so we'll have to see if she does and I'll post a picture of the "finished" product if it grows any longer.
Above is Lucy painting. She is constantly asking to get the paints out and I finally let her on a morning with Paddy was over. I was surprised that it wasn't as messy as it used to be. A testament to how much bigger the kiddos are getting. Even Murray got involved and kept his hands clean. He didn't like them getting messy so he ended up having a washcloth next to him that he kept wiping his hands on. We ended up with a a pile of paintings after this day...because after these paints we did some water colors! Once again...I'm enjoying being home so they're doing these crafts at my table!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful for thunderstorms. What an awesome testament to creation and God caring for it. Thunderstorms just wash away the dirt and grime and liven things up a bit. It almost feels like a fresh start for the gardens. I know fall is fast upon us...although our leaves on not changing the weather has cooled down quite a bit....but it's still nice to see the grass get a bit greener just one more time! I really enjoyed the thunderstorms outside today and watching the kids watch the wind blowing the rain sideways. What a fun day!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Diary of a Potty Training Mom
It's 10:30 in the morning and so far we've been fairly successful. We had 3 successful potty breaks, and then a poopy accident, however he screamed for me as it was happening and cried about it. This is a step forward...he's never seemed to care about an accident before. Hooray...maybe we'll get there in the next few days! (We'll see if this optimism continues throughout the day). He just sat and didn't we'll see what happens in the next 20 minutes.
10:58 am SUCCESS!!! dry underpants and pee pee on the potty!!! Now it's time for some painting before lunch...well, at least 25 minutes of painting before we try again.
Success again!!! dry underwear and pee pee in the potty!!!
Well, we had 2 more accidents. I ignored the timer and let him go a few more minutes and he was slightly wet. Then he sat and did nothing but while eating lunch he had an accident. Thus ends the morning. He's in a diaper and taking a nap now....we'll give it another try this afternoon.
This afternoon was an epic failure. We went through 4 pairs of underwear in less than an hour. I guess he had told me he didn't want underwear and he proved it! So, he's back in a diaper. We'll give it a go again tomorrow morning...maybe we'll wear underwear in the morning and diapers after nap for the next few months? This boy is certainly throwing me for a loop!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful that my dear friend Lisa had a healthy baby boy today. God blessing a family with a child is truly a magnificent gift and truly something to be thankful for.
and now...back to my's been a busy day!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
From our Garden to our Table