The weather is changing, the fall colors are starting to come's cold in the morning, it's rainy most afternoons (or so it seems)...and it can be tough to be thankful!
It's been a tough day for me...a tough day with Lucy, a tough day with myself and my thoughts. It's in these moments I'm reminded that I'm not perfect and I don't need to be. After a tough math lesson this morning Lucy and I were doing her hair and talking about why it was important she learn her numbers. At the end of the conversation I said to her...
"but you know I love you right?"
Yes mom, I know you love me lots!
"and you know Jesus loves you too?"
of course mom!
and that's why I do what I do!
I'm thankful that my children know they are loved. I'm thankful that Ginny smiles and giggles at us and my kids interpret it, by saying "she loves me! she's smiling at me, she loves me!"
I'm thankful that at the age of 30, when my phone rings and I see it's my own mom calling I get excited because she has something to share with me. I still love my mom and she still loves me! You don't outgrow it...the love of your mom (or dad) is forever and endless and wonderful. I imagine that God created this love between a parent and child and said " they'll get just a glimpse of what it's like for me to love them". I just imagine that on my worst days He's looking down and saying, "but I just want her to understand, I just want her to listen to me...oh I hope she gets it!"
I know Lucy will learn her numbers...I know one day she'll see the number 12 and call it twelve instead of 1-2 or instead of Aaron Roger's number...and I know I'll love her until then, past then and through all the life lessons she has to learn.
Today I'm thankful for the ability to love my kids, my parents and the assurance that God loves me even when I'm not perfect!