Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am thankful my husband is home...well, sort of home. He's at work and has a TON of stuff to do this week/weekend. But he's around, and not over 6 hours away anymore. He can put help put kids to bed and help with breakfast in the morning, and if I were to go into labor, he could be there with me...unless it's while he's preaching Sunday morning...and even then, I think we'd figure something out.

I'm thankful that I feel this pregnancy is going to end soon. Not too soon...but I can tell I'm getting ready. My body is starting to tell me it's time...but I know my body and I know that means we're a week or 2 out...I'm hoping closer to a week...but we'll have to wait and see!

I'm excited that as of tomorrow my hubby will officially be an Associate Pastor. It's just a title change, but it shows that the Elders and our Senior Pastor recognize the growth he's made in the last 4 years. He really has grown a lot and it's exciting to see what God is doing with him.

I'm excited for the 4th of July. It's always been one of my favorite holidays and I'm excited that we may finally see some Michigan fireworks. It's a big maybe depending on how the kids do with a busy day...but if Murray naps, we finally have the potential to stay up and out late enough to see fireworks. It's crazy when I think that Lucy is 5 years old and has never been to a true fireworks display. I'm excited for fun at a friend's house on Monday and a great birthday for Nick on Sunday.

I'm also thankful I'm 37 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow...the baby will not arrive "too early" we just need to make sure she doesn't arrive "too late"....

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pirate Party!!

Murray Man is 3!!!
This year we decided it was finally time to let him celebrate with a party! A Pirate party it was! He's been really into a pirate show on Disney Jr. and Lucy really enjoys it as well so it seemed to be the perfect party for him and a few of his friends.
Aside from the fact that Murray woke up at 5:30 on the day of his party and didn't nap...the party was excellent. A tired Murray shed a few unnecessary tears, but hey, it was his party, so he could cry if he wanted too...right?

Our Party was complete with launching canons (water balloons) at an enemy Pirate, Pin the treasure on the map, an amazing treasure hunt complete with "loot" at the end, and of course some sword fighting. The kids had a great time and all got along really well.

The cake...ahh, the cake. I felt like Murray had not yet received a true, fun cake from me. His birthday last year was the day after we arrived home from our 2 week he had cupcakes quickly thrown together on a super hot day! I know he doesn't remember, but I do, and he's my little boy. Just because I'm tired and pregnant doesn't mean I get to skip his birthday. So...a Pirate cake I made. The first ship collapsed into 4 pieces (or more). It was a disaster to say the least. Apparently, really yummy, moist cake is not ideal for making a sculptured we went with less moist, still delicious cake for round 2. I think it turned out really well and the sails that Nick made really pulled it all together and gave it a personal touch.

Here's the end result:

It was a hit and the kids enjoyed looking at it more than eating it! Overall we enjoyed celebrating our little man turning 3. It's hard to believe 3 years have passed already, but our little Murray man certainly brings much joy and adventure to our lives daily.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Little Man!

Disclaimer...below are baby pictures of MURRAY...we did not have a baby... yet...

Can you believe it? Three years ago, this was the amazingly wonderful gift that was given to me. Three years ago I held this perfect 9lb 7oz baby boy and wondered what life would be like from that moment on. I always imagined if I had kids I would have a house full of boys. I'm not sure if it's because of the families I babysat for or just what I could far...Murray is the only boy God has blessed me to raise.

In three years Murray has certainly transformed our world, challenged our parenting and brought us more joy and laughter than we ever could have imagined as we gazed at that adorable "old man" baby face. What a difference our life has been with Murray as a part of it.

We certainly wake up earlier and with more gusto than we ever could imagine. We've learned that no matter how expensive, how much brain power, research or guarantee there is on a fridge lock...Murray can, and will conquer it. I've learned that eating like a hobbit is a very real way of fact...eating like an elf can be as well...and syrup goes good on everything...or is great on it's own. I've learned more about fructose, sugars and digestion than I ever could have imagined.

I've learned that little boys will find or make cars and guns out of anything...and the noises that go along with this play are fascinating. I've learned that "playing rough" doesn't mean your tough all the time. I've learned that snuggles from a little boy will melt my heart, and a sweet kiss can make us both giggle.

I've learned that the task can seem daunting to raise you to be a kind and loving man while not squashing your brave and strong spirit. I've learned this is a task that takes not just a mom and dad working together, but much dependence on God to guide us!

I've learned what living with someone who likes things a particular way can be like (sorry Nick or anyone I've lived with for my need for routine and things to be just so). A broken cracker, cookie, banana, apple can ruin a perfectly good snack or even the entire day.

I've learned what it's like to truly love a little man, and while there are days you push my buttons and your own limits, a day DOES NOT go by that I do not thank God for the gift HE gave to me in you.

I can't believe how big you are...soon you'll be off to school, driving, headed to college and telling me you've met a girl you want to marry. Oh how I hope those days are full of happiness for you...and I maybe hope just a little that you have a little boy just like you someday!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What We've Been Up To

Here's a glimpse at what we've been up to (aside from meeting our new niece Betsy)...

We've had a few super hot days here in Michigan followed by some cooler rainy days. It finally seems to be evening out! We're now to more "normal" summer weather and the windows are open and we're just enjoying being able to grill, clean out the car and play on the swing set. I wish I had a bit more motivation and flexibility to attack the weeds in our garden...but eh...once this sweet girl arrives I doubt I'll even notice them anymore!

We do need to acknowledge that both of these wonderful activities were birthday gifts! Aunt Kate and Uncle Kelly supplied the warm weather fun with a great new sprinkler (perfect for races through and spraying at people) and Auntie Katie and Uncle Tony (aka Owie Owie and Tony No Hair) supplied the rainy day fun. I can't believe the animals set in less than an hour so we mixed, molded and painted all before nap! Both were great activities!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Sunshine, Cool Breeze....Gorgeous Weather
Picnics outside for morning snack, lunch AND afternoon snack
Kids playing on the swing set, bikes, sandbox, bubbles and games in the yard
Plants Sprouting in the Veggie Garden
(we're ignoring the weeds that are taller than the bushes in other areas)
Having the emergency fund to pay for car repairs that are 3 times as much as we anticipated (thank you Dave Ramsey...for the emergency fund...not the car repairs)
Ravioli and Cheesy bread for dinner
Getting out of Bedtime to have a planning meeting with some of my favorite ladies

Enough Said...Today I am THANKFUL!