It's been quite a while since I've done Thankful Thursdays regularly...I'm going to try to remedy that. I think it will help with the "cranky pregnancy pants" I've been sporting lately!
I'm thankful for lots of things these weight's at a good spot...healthy enough for baby, low enough to give me hope I may still someday make that magic goal weight I never quite made and stuck at after Murray. I'm thankful for the "nesting" aspect of this pregnancy. While it can be slightly annoying to always need to clean something...I'm really enjoying the cleaning and organizing that is going on! My hubby is doing his best to keep up, but the poor guy just keeps getting more added to his list while he's at work or finishing up another project. Hopefully he gets a spurt of energy soon too!
I'm thankful for the few days of sunshine we had earlier this week that allowed us in the yard and on the swing set. I am equally as thankful that the storms have been warm and big! It makes it feel like summer to have humidity and thunder accompanying bad weather instead of just cold, yucky rain. I do wish the storms would give certain areas of the country a break though!
Another silly thing I'm thankful for is finding a "new" Christian radio station in our area that plays music all day long! I'm not sure if it's really new or if it just is new to me, but the one thing I don't like about the other radio station is that in the middle of the day they just have talk...and it's mostly on current events and opinions and not very kid friendly in my opinion. It's so nice to just have music in the background at home again and not have to think about what CD to put on.
Hope you're having a great Thursday! What are you thankful for today?