Happy New Year! I'm hoping with the return of a schedule this week, and moving out of my first trimester that this New Year will also bring renewed energy....I'm hopeful, and optimistic...but still skeptical! So far this pregnancy I've lost 2 lbs, gained a belly and taught Lucy the joys of breakfast in bed....even if it's only slightly buttered toast. She's also learned that sometimes mommy's get sick when a baby is in their belly. Murray is still oblivious to what is going on. Oh well, he'll figure it out soon enough, if not as my belly grows he'll be in for a rude awakening in July with this one decides to make an appearance and turn his world upside down.
New Year's is a mark for new beginnings for so many people, but it's also a time for reflection. I tend to usually fall into the reflection category. It's hard for me to see the new calendar as a new beginning, I feel like life adds "fresh starts" in more natural ways than a day on the calendar. It is however impossible as a mom to not look at a "holiday" and remember what the past year was like with your kids and be in awe of how they have grown and changed.
We had New Year's Eve at a friend's house about an hour away. Last year they came to our house and spent the night. Last year she was newly pregnant with their son, and didn't even know it yet! We spent the evening drinking wine coolers and reorganizing my kitchen since Nick had just "finished" the remodel. The boys looked after the kids and when they were tucked in their beds brewed Nick's first batch of bear.
Last year we celebrated New Year with an almost toddler (Lisa's), a 1 year old (Murray), a 3 year old (Lucy) and a 4 year old (Lisa's). This year we had 5 kids ranging from 6 to the newest one who is just 4 months old. What a difference a year makes! The kids could play all by themselves. The toddlers are true second children and are much better at sharing and interacting than their older sister's were at this age. At one point the adults were eating dinner with the baby nearby and all the other kids were playing in the basement!
Lucy and Julia had their first official "sleepover". We've spent the night at each other's houses many times, but last night the girls slept in sleeping bags on the futon in the basement. They went to bed watching a movie after getting their finger nails painted and eating popcorn.
I look at Lucy and Murray and can't believe the independence they've each gained. I can't imagine Murray not being able to tell his jokes, and communicate so effectively. Lucy is looking bigger and bigger every day. She colors in the lines, and is starting to show personality of a true little girl...both the good and the bad! (she's even started talking back on occasion!) I know every Mom says it, but I really wish I could just pause time for a moment, just freeze my children as they are and keep them innocent and snuggly. At the same time I look forward to what this next year will bring and the memories I'll have to look back on as we ring in a new year again!
What a gift each day is! Right now I will enjoy Lucy singing loudly her version of "Away in a Manger". My favorite line in her medley is "the cattle are flowing". I know next year she will probably be big enough to know that's the incorrect word....but right now she can just sing her little heart out and Nick and I will just cherish her honest love for our Lord.
I'm doing my best to cherish and enjoy Murray's need and desire for Mommy to help him do everything. It may make the days long, but there will come a day when he won't let me kiss him goodnight or help him button his pants. I know when these days come I'll look back and yearn for the moments I'm enjoying now.
2011 will certainly bring many new beginnings at our house. We'll reach each one and cherish the changes, but right now I'm happy to remember how far we've come in 2010.