This is about life as a mom. About our family, and the quirkyness of not only our family but my attempts to do things to maintain my sanity. It's a busy time of life which is why the cereal always gets soggy before I get a chance to sit down and eat it...I wouldn't trade a minute of it, and I'm hoping to record some of the insanity here or they won't believe me when they get older!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful that a week and a half ago as I was menu planning I just happened to think today would be a good day to make some chicken noodle soup. Murray and I have been fighting off a cold all week (and I think our noses are losing) but I am beginning to feel a bit better today and chicken noodle soup sounds and smells delicious. So, I'm hoping after not making it for months my non recipe works out well...I tried a few new things this time. Maybe come dinner time I'll be thankful we have money in the budget to order a pizza...but so far, it's smelling pretty good.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I Wake Up
Monday, September 27, 2010
Up on the House Top
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
What you may ask is keeping me so busy? Well, this week was the start of ballet class for Lucy (unexpectedly) as well as the start of my teaching of learning lab (on the same day)...a bit chaotic but quite enjoyable. I am also doing final preparations for the mom to mom sale at our church this weekend. So rewarding once it's in full swing (and even more so when it's over), but a bit stressful getting everything ready and turning away last minute moms who want a table. What a great fundraiser for our church though! We have our district president preaching at our church this weekend and Nick and I have the privilege of dining with him and his wife along with the Bush's on Saturday...and lastly, but probably the most important, on Sunday we will welcome little Mathias into God's family as his sponsors. I am so excited to share this special day with such a special little excited I volunteered to make the cake...which will be a creative outlet in the midst of this busy weekend.
I'm thankful that we're all healthy and that I am capable of managing a busy schedule...I'm thankful for a little burst of summer weather as we head into fall...lastly I am thankful for 2 sleeping children upstairs which means I should have happy children later this afternoon. Today is a very Thankful Thursday!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What Murray's Been Up To...
Murray Playing cars in the kitchen. A few weeks ago Nick made a giant road on
the cardboard from our new patio table.
Murray painting! He loved it. I can't remember the last time I let him paint.
Growing Up Too Fast
Crafty Lucy
Here are few activities from last week (It's been a little busy so I'm behind on blogging). She wanted something to do so I suggested making a paper chain. I did help cut the strips and showed her how to use the glue stick and hold the circles together while they stuck. But she went to town with it. She worked on it on and off for most of Thursday and the end product was quite impressive.
See, the chain ended up being taller than she was. I couldn't believe it! She keeps talking about adding to it, so we'll have to see if she does and I'll post a picture of the "finished" product if it grows any longer.
Above is Lucy painting. She is constantly asking to get the paints out and I finally let her on a morning with Paddy was over. I was surprised that it wasn't as messy as it used to be. A testament to how much bigger the kiddos are getting. Even Murray got involved and kept his hands clean. He didn't like them getting messy so he ended up having a washcloth next to him that he kept wiping his hands on. We ended up with a a pile of paintings after this day...because after these paints we did some water colors! Once again...I'm enjoying being home so they're doing these crafts at my table!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful for thunderstorms. What an awesome testament to creation and God caring for it. Thunderstorms just wash away the dirt and grime and liven things up a bit. It almost feels like a fresh start for the gardens. I know fall is fast upon us...although our leaves on not changing the weather has cooled down quite a bit....but it's still nice to see the grass get a bit greener just one more time! I really enjoyed the thunderstorms outside today and watching the kids watch the wind blowing the rain sideways. What a fun day!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Diary of a Potty Training Mom
It's 10:30 in the morning and so far we've been fairly successful. We had 3 successful potty breaks, and then a poopy accident, however he screamed for me as it was happening and cried about it. This is a step forward...he's never seemed to care about an accident before. Hooray...maybe we'll get there in the next few days! (We'll see if this optimism continues throughout the day). He just sat and didn't we'll see what happens in the next 20 minutes.
10:58 am SUCCESS!!! dry underpants and pee pee on the potty!!! Now it's time for some painting before lunch...well, at least 25 minutes of painting before we try again.
Success again!!! dry underwear and pee pee in the potty!!!
Well, we had 2 more accidents. I ignored the timer and let him go a few more minutes and he was slightly wet. Then he sat and did nothing but while eating lunch he had an accident. Thus ends the morning. He's in a diaper and taking a nap now....we'll give it another try this afternoon.
This afternoon was an epic failure. We went through 4 pairs of underwear in less than an hour. I guess he had told me he didn't want underwear and he proved it! So, he's back in a diaper. We'll give it a go again tomorrow morning...maybe we'll wear underwear in the morning and diapers after nap for the next few months? This boy is certainly throwing me for a loop!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
I am also thankful that my dear friend Lisa had a healthy baby boy today. God blessing a family with a child is truly a magnificent gift and truly something to be thankful for.
and now...back to my's been a busy day!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
From our Garden to our Table

Lucy's First Day of Preschool
Above are the pictures of Lucy and Murray with their flags....below are some of Lucy on the porch ready for school. I can't believe she's 4 and headed off to school.
Lucy was all about posing for pictures this year. 3rd year of using the
apple backpack and it's holding up great!
Lucy really wanted Murray to come up and say goodbye to her...he really wanted to go with her to preschool...and apparantly didn't want to stop to pose for pictures.
Lucy was a pro at school. While they asked us to stay with them for the first day...she really didn't need me. She was excited to check out the dress ups, although strangely she didn't want to try any on. We spent lots of time reading, building with the giant waffle blocks and playing playdough. She sat great at circle time (which was mostly information for the parents) and then sang 2 songs with much gusto. Made me glad we decided to stick with the same teacher from last year so songs and routines would be familiar. I'm excited to see what the year will bring as we make decisions about kindergarten.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Skip to My Boots
It's a quiet night...the kids are in bed and Nick is at work doing some counseling. So, I thought I'd give it a go to put some pictures in a blog. Nick came home from work tonight and asked the kids if they wanted to go on a puddle hunt. Of course they eagerly agreed. So after finding rain boots and getting all set we headed outside. Lucy marched down the sidewalk singing "Skip, skip, skip to my boots" she thought this was quite entertaining.
I know I have more pictures of Murray, but for the first few pictures the camera was out of focus...and let's face it, Murray's a boy so he just enjoyed it a bit longer than Lucy did...once Lucy had water in her boots she was more concerned with that. Murray jumped until his diaper was saggy and his pants were falling down they were so wet! All in all it was a fun pre-dinner activity.
Thankful Thursdays
I tried the part time work thing last school year and it wasn't for me. I am so incredibly thankful that Nick and I were blessed with being poor the first few years of our marriage which taught us how to live on next to nothing. God is good and HE has provided for us in ways we would have never imagined. After deciding to stay home again this year I will now have a full house on Tuesdays and Thursdays watching kids of 2 different friends. What a blessing! I love a full house and the joy of being able to be the one near my children is truly a gift. I realize I will never get these days back and I love being the one to answer all of Lucy's random questions. Just today she asked "why does God want fire to come to a house?" what a perfect opportunity to talk about our fallen world and God's ability to bring us back from something that hurts us or makes us sad, we also talked about God providing. So glad I was around to answer that one. So today I am thankful for my home and the ability to serve my family in it. I'm thankful for being able to answer Lucy's questions and hear all the giggles and let's be honest, the whining. What an awesome career choice I've been allowed to make to stay home and be a mother and a wife.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
This past week this verse has been on my mind. A friend of ours from college lost her spouse unexpectedly leaving her with twin 2 year old girls to care for and a void in her life that I can't even begin to imagine. Needless to say I have found myself in the midst of my daily life with a prayer on my lips and in my mind. Prayers for her peace and comfort, prayers that the girls will grow up and know that they were loved by their dad. Prayers that this family will find strength in God to continue on.
I've pondered this verse at various points in my life. When I was younger I remember thinking...what a ridiculous thought, no one can pray continually...without ceasing, it's impossible. When I was in college I remember meditating on this verse and striving to do just what it said. Praying as I walked between classes and praying at every moment of decision, trial or triumph...I had a lot more free thoughts in college. This tragedy has brought me back to this verse, brought me back to the realization that while most days at most moments my thoughts are not my own...they should be. While I give so much of myself as a mother, my thoughts are one thing I can take back as my own. Yes, I do still need to think about the laundry, where my children are, what day it is, what's on the calendar...but while making lunch or changing a diaper I can be praying. So that's what I have been doing. I've found myself praying more this past week...yes, praying for my friend and her family, but also for my own. Praying for my children as they assert their independence or obey what they're asked. Praying for my wonderful husband and our still young marriage
While my heart has ached this past week for my friend and her family, I have found renewed joy in praying without ceasing. It's amazing the peace God offers...if only we ask...if only we listen. I challenge you to begin your prayer...and then continue without ceasing.