Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

My littles are getting SO big!

Ginny's first night in a "big girl" bed

Ginny playing with the dollhouse

Wiley eating some sweet potatoes, I forgot how fun it was to have a baby who enjoys eating!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wiley 6 months old

Wiley guy…6 months old. It’s hard to believe! It’s hard to believe and you’re really a little over a week past your 6 month landmark already! I have had a hard time sitting down to write this out, partially because it’s been so busy, partially because you’re the 4th and mostly because I’m in denial.
I can’t believe my little man is 6 months old. I can’t believe 6 months ago we welcomed you into this world as a snuggly newborn and now you insist on rolling all over the place. You definitely don’t stay where you’re put anymore. You love to roll, wiggle and squirm. Anything and everything goes into your mouth to explore and you love jumping in the exersaucer, Johnny jumper and on our laps if we hold you up. You’re working on sitting up with the help of Lucy and Murray (and Mom and Dad), I think you would have it down if you would just sit still for a minute, instead of leaning and reaching for the nearest object!
You got your first tooth the last week in November, just in time for Thanksgiving and your 6 month birthday! Your bottom center tooth on the left poked through after a few days of rosy cheeks. You also tried your first food on Thanksgiving…just a few days before you turned 6 months! You tried sweet potatoes and ate them like a champ, but were pretty gassy the next day so we decided to wait just a little longer before incorporating it into our daily routine.
You got your helmet this month. A cute little blue helmet that makes your cheeks squish out even more. It’s going to shape your head into a perfect round head and get rid of that pesky flat spot in the back.

At the doctor you weighed in at 19 lbs 10 oz and measured 27.3 inches tall! That makes you in the 81% for weight and 76% for height. Your head circumference is 45 cm putting you in the 80% for head size! 
At 6 months old you’re more smiley than ever and are starting to share your giggles more generously. You recognize your siblings and watch them intently, I can only imagine what you’re thinking and what life will be like when you can chase after them and join in their fun.
You met lots of new people, and saw some old when we went to Chicago to visit with Grammy and Pop Pop for Thanksgiving. We had lots to do and lot of people to see. You even met one of the people you’re named after my Uncle Breen from Mexico! (He’s William Breen). Everyone comments on how big you are and how happy you seem, both are very true!
I can’t believe I can love you any more each month and then I do. Watching you grow and change is just such a joy. Everyone tells you that you look just like your brother…I always point out that you have blue eyes not brown, but I do wonder if you’ll continue to look like him as you grow. Your personality is beginning to show through and you continue to be easy going and happy. We are so blessed to have you in our family!
We love you to the moon and back!