Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Evangeline Kate

Look how she's grown!

(start in the top left corner and go down then back up then down until her final 1 year picture at the bottom right corner...sporting a USA diaper for the olympics.)
It's amazing to see how much she's grown in a year!
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Get Around Ginny

Ginny sure can get around these days, she may not be walking but she is a mover and a shaker and in true Koschmann style a CLIMBER (although...she may get that from me). These are just a few of her favorite places to "perch" throughout the day. She's an expert at going up and down the stairs and enjoys exercising that freedom exploring all levels of the house. We'll find her anywhere from Murray's room playing on with the lego table, to the kitchen, the 3 season room or the family room. A few times Mr. Nobody has left the door to the basement open and we've caught a little girl going to the one place in the house we'd really rather her not be...ok...the bathroom may be on the list of places we prefer she not play as well (we've had one clean toilet incident thus far). 

She's a happy independent girl and it's fun to see her play expanding with each and everyday. Those smiles get you every time!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Monday was our first quiet day at home in quite some time...this is what Lucy dressed herself in...she did her hair and all!

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